November 9, 2008

Alternative to

Please! Does anyone know of a good reliable alternative to! Blogrolling has been out for about 2 weeks now, maybe longer. I have liked using BR-its easy to use and I have had few troubles with it before, but this outage has been really long! It doesn't seem like editing or adding links will be coming back online soon. I have wanted to add Kirby and Tits( heh heh-that sounds kinda funny!) to my list, and add Bubbles' new blog address. Well, if anyone knows a good program to use, let me know. If BR comes back on by next week, I might be ok, but it doesn't seem likely.


Dr Zibbs said...

Go with the Blogger Follows widget. Then people can add themselves and you don't have to manage it.

Distributorcap said...

i knew dr zibbs would know

Micgar said...

Thanks guys! I will try that!

Moderator said...

I used some of those crazy ass blogging help sites like Blogrolling et al when I started. After awhile I just said fuck it. It wasn't worth the upkeep, etc.