Ok -I was asked by Angelda Vinci http://www.blogcatalog.com/user/AngeldaVinci to post a topic against abuse- which could be any type of abuse- http://www.blogcatalog.com/discuss/entry/you-can-be-a-part-of-blogging-history .
I chose "information abuse"-the abuse by the predominant news media sources such as the major network news corporations and the print media that attempt to skew and slant the news, and misinform those citizens which it professes to serve.
By and large, the Internet and blogging in particular has helped to quell some of the misinformation, bias, and outright lying that has gone on for quite some time now that the Bush administration has fostered that kind of reportage-(see Fox News, Jeff Gannon, Armstrong Williams, etc etc.)
People have turned to each other for diversity in opinion and news that does not have the slant favoring the rich and powerful. There are a couple of institutions that have worked to work for truth in news reporting while examining the subterfuge that our big news corporations and their mouthpieces spew.
FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting) http://www.fair.org/index.php is one of those great organizations-operating on a shoestring budget, they do the best they can to examine the news for bias and misinformation. I am proud to say that I have been a subscriber to their little magazine Extra! for over 10 years now. I also try to listen to CounterSpin http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=5 their weekly radio show, whenever I can.
Another great anti bias, pro-truth organization that is online is MediaMatters For America http://mediamatters.org/. I really like this site and try to check out the clips and articles at least once a week.
I am also blogging for funny clips. This guy Jake Byrd is a prankster that has been seen on the news a lot lately. I had featured a clip of him for the Paris Hilton lawyer's press conference a while back c3fun.blogspot.com/2007/06/hey-guys-hope-you-all-had-great-weekend.html but this clip is too much! Here he is at the OJ lawyer's press conference. Nabbed this from TallFreak http://www.tallfreak.com/ (hey Chris- thanks for another great link!)
Bloggers+Against+Abuse FAIR Extra! CounterSpin MediaMattersforAmerica Jake+Byrd OJ
September 26, 2007
September 23, 2007
Funny Commercials, and Fun with Idioms
I have been watching a little more TV lately. Don't know why. When I have free time, I usually surf/do emails, but lately I've been a little burnt on that. What's nice, is that I have been seeing a few more funny commercials lately. I like the ones that are darkly funny with some weird and ironic thrown in for good measure. Here are some I thought were comical and some classics, (probably not meant to be funny, but-they are!)
This first one had me rolling, it just blew me away! Then I began to see the other sugar/salt Dymo commercial that's pretty good. Great ideas for ad campaigns! Seems like these companies get a couple of good ad people, they pump out some great ads, (like the very first Caveman Geico ads) then they can't think of anything else that's fresh. Funny thing about ads: I never buy or seek anything out from being exposed to ads-I just like the product. But I do enjoy seeing these kinds of ads!
"His and Hers"
This first one had me rolling, it just blew me away! Then I began to see the other sugar/salt Dymo commercial that's pretty good. Great ideas for ad campaigns! Seems like these companies get a couple of good ad people, they pump out some great ads, (like the very first Caveman Geico ads) then they can't think of anything else that's fresh. Funny thing about ads: I never buy or seek anything out from being exposed to ads-I just like the product. But I do enjoy seeing these kinds of ads!
"His and Hers"
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