May 12, 2009

Go Get 'em Janeane!!

I turned on Fox News just to see what's up and Orally and Cannity were both going off on Janeane Garofalo. (and Wanda Sykes and Obama and....etc etc. By the way-I loved Wanda's stuff!!)

Fox's Ambusher in Chief-Griff (Griff!?) Jenkins did just that outside of one of Garofalo's latest gig outside of Starbucks in Mass.
I didn't think Fox got what they wanted from Janeane. She remained cool, calm, and didn't go back on what she said about the Teabaggers. The camera was obviously shoved in her face to get a reaction, and possibly a shove or two, but unfortunately for Griff and Fox, it didn't happen. There was some choppy editing-("yeah-let's try to cut out those parts where I try to irritate her to hit me") but really Garofalo kicked Griff's ass. I loved when she said (in response to Griff asking her to give the 'baggers an apology: "I don't... so they're going to have to wait a long time."!! lol and lmao and rotflmao!

Is that Griff dude possibly the silliest looking human being you have ever seen? This guy looks like a reject from Revenge of the Nerds! No wonder he's usually behind the camera! What a dork!

May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

To all the moms out there: Happy Mother's Day! Hope you are all having a special day, for all of you moms out there are very special!

I get former PC World columnist Steve Bass' Techbites Newsletter (check it out/sign up for the great free weekly newsletter that you can get in your inbox for really cool and helpful computer information like excellent security, tools and utility programs-many of them free and links for Internet interests TechBite by Steve Bass) In Techbite's Time Wasters section-where there are Internet silliness, games and funny videos, I found this (I embedded from Bass' YT channel) funny clip: (off-color language)