I really like spiders.
c3fun.blogspot.com/2007/09/getting-back-to-basics-clips-comics-and.html If I find one in the house, I always get my junky ass "spider cup" from the garage and take it out. Not to dinner-outside! My wife doesn't like it, but now she will call me from the other room to get the spider out! Even black widows are safe from the waffle-like stomp of my shoes. I will take those out too, but most of the time I find them outside in a bad place-where our 7 year-old can possible make contact with her. I will get a cup and move it to a safe spot-in the neighbor's yard...neighbor's mailbox..in the other neighbor's swimming pool...just kidding. I move it to a far away spot or to the field next to our house. I would rather have more spiders-including black widows than a bunch of flies, mosquitoes, and grasshoppers wouldn't you?
I would like to see some spiders like these. It would be very interesting to see these particular spiders. "Uhh...wow, myaaan. I have like, 16 legs now!"