I have been having flashbacks... err...thinking about two funny shows that had the concept of flashback scenes for the "punchlines" of their jokes.
Dream On was a show that I really liked when it came out-good concept, good writing, and of course those hilarious flashback scenes! It was kinda hard to catch back when it was on, since we didn't have HBO, and we had to ask someone to tape it. I thought Brian
Benben was a great as a the office guy who gets the raw end of the deal often, and Wendy
Malick?! Hell, I think she's been funny in any of the shows she's done-this one,
Just Shoot Me, etc.
Family Guy is another show that often uses flashback scenes to great effect also! A big part of Family Guy's humor
are the flashbacks!
Here's most of a pretty funny Dream On episode, and a great clip of some of the best
FG flashbacks!
Part 1: