Hey guys! Hope you all had a great weekend! I am trying something new. I trying to make my own comic strips. Its something i have always wanted to do, but since i am not even a mediocre artist, it never worked out! I have posted a few strips that i created with a really neat site called
http://www.stripcreator.com/. There you can easily make up your own stupid strips, just like i have done!
Here are a few more clips that i think you might enjoy. The first is from the Dave Chappelle show in which he hilariously plays a blind, black, white racist! (!)
Dave Chapelle - Black White Supremacist Clip » RealVideoSite.comI thought that this little clip of an overzealous Paris Hilton fan (or was it a prankster-couldn't tell!) was funny. The crowds' admonishment towards him and the defense attorney's non-plussed demeanor is priceless!