Here is a clip from that crazy as hell Pastor Fred Phelps. You know, does anyone other than his inbred mutant family actually listen to his incoherent ramblings? If there are people other than family that look up to the teachings of Pastor Fred at the Westboro Baptist Church, (look at this crap if you dare! and let them sing out in a chorale of sick twisted demented arias. I don't believe there are. (we are in trouble if there are people who look to this "church" for their teachings!)
Here he is rambling, and I do mean rambling about Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert-the godless sodomites!
This next clip really got me for a little while. I thought, just maybe, its real! Then I did a little research and found it to be a great parody of the mentality of the Christian Right's view of gay people. The production, video and delivery is what you would think a Christian singer might have for a song like this, so it makes it funnier!
At first, with the next video clip, you may wonder what is this all about? Well, its about evidence. Check out what the police officer is carrying out in that box. Its not drugs! (looks like he tried to get by the TV news cameras quickly, but failed!)
Here's a couple of strips for the Fun With Idioms theme: Idiot Idioms!
Pro+wrestling The+Crusher Bruno+Sammartino Fred+Phelps Westboro+Baptist+Church Jon+Stewart Stephen+Colbert News+Bloopers Drug+Busts Comics Idioms
Christian+Singers Gays