She might not be Vice Presidential material...

But she did stay at a Holiday Inn Express Hotel last night!
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Make your own silly newspaper clippings! (only thing was there was about a 50 word limit)Create your own newspaper clippings
Hey! what can say!? I love The Onion! Home The Onion - America's Finest News Source Both the print and the Internet edition with it's great video clips are definitely more bang for your buck than a night at the local comedy club, watching some guy not make you laugh-once! I have a few of those Onion "anthologies" and I find that if I keep going back to the even the well-thumbed through editions, I always find something I missed!
This is good news! The show 90210 is back with all new actors! Pretty much the same old show as the original one it seems, according to this billboard I saw recently!