Just put out the Christmas lights last weekend. Speaking of Christmas lights-here's Jim Gaffigan.
Some comics:

Found this comedy troupe called DerrickComedy-derrickcomedy.com/they are pretty good. Found some clips on Youtube. They kind of remind me of The Whitest Kids U Know comedy troupe whitestkids.com/ who I featured a long time ago. With both these groups, its hit and miss, but when its "hit," its pretty funny. With the Derrick people, there's a lot of foul language and "adult situations" so, just to let you know.
I thought this historical expose on an old Jazz figure was kinda humorous.
This is sick, but funny in a twisted way. Kinda.
Check out the redhead who is an expert at something on Derrick Comedy.
see you next time,
Related Tags: Shit Surelock comedians Jim+Gaffigan comics clowns goatse Derrick+Comedy
I saw Jim Gaffigan perform to about 50 people. The first 20 minutes of the show were among the funniest things I've ever heard. I had to walk out because my abs were literally hurting.
I just "discovered" him-after I kept hearing from other bloggers how good he was! Man, he is funny! I love that shtick of his where he does the "conscience" of the audience thing! Knowing about how you go to the gym I probably need to laugh at him a lot more than you do!
lol that commercial was slightly disturbing!!
Jay cam: yeah-I really didn't think that they would have her carrying a bag of poop! Even though you couldn't see it, it was pretty nasty!
Great laughs as always! Gaffigan never disappoints!
T&A-hey where ya been? anyway thanks checking it out. Gaffigan is hilarious! He is one of favorites now.
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