June 18, 2009

Oooooww... Face! Book!

I recently joined Facebook at the urging of a fellow special education teacher. I don't know-I just can't get that "into it" so far. It's a little overwhelming for me. Although I do enjoy the "chat" feature and "chatted" with Lisa from That is Why for a while the other day! There's just too much info for me. I log on, and check out stuff, but I can't take it all in. Maybe it will take some time getting used to. My little questions with Facebook aren't the same are these individuals though:

Geez this is stupid! I mean she's stupid. This is from a comedy troupe called Quiet Library QuietLibrary Boy oh boy! You need to check these people out on their Youtube channel if you haven't already! Internet sketch comedy is often dark, running the limits of taste (Derrickcomedy and Thewhitestkidsuknow for example) and "edgy," and these guys do have some clips that are very dark, but well played out, and ultimately funny as hell!


WendyB said...

I feel like Facebook is a necessary evil.

Micgar said...

Yeah-for some who can keep up with all their friends and stuff it's ok. I guess for me it's a little bit of overload at times.