A tree! A tree! (have to say that a few times to let it all sink in!)
There was a security camera photo of the robber with leafy boughs and branches duct-taped around his chest and head area. A local police sergeant was quoted as saying that the robber "...really went out on a limb" (!)
Someone recognized the pinehead from the security photo and James Coldwell, 49, was arrested a short time later. Guess he robbed the wrong branch-get it!? The wrong...uhh oh well!
You can really have fun with this one! Wonder if after some time in jail, he might turn over a new leaf? I might just be barking up the wrong tree here. Ok. I'll stop, but here are some comics about Mr. Sprucehead!

Related Tags: bank robbery, New Hampshire, disguised as a tree, trees
I read about this on Fark.com I laughed my arse off!
yeah what a bozo this guy was/is! I mean, i guess he gets points for being inventive, but as for having a goal of disguising himself, no! The security photos were funny enough! I would have had a hard time not laughing if i was a teller. Esp. since he didn't even have a gun/knife!
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